Following a long tradition the European Semiconductor Laser Workshop will be held in conjunction with the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2021. ESWL 2021 will be hosted by Télécom Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris on September 17 and 18, 2021. You can find a list of confirmed keynote and invited speakers here.
You can download the full program here or look at the program page. The oral and poster presentations will be live and will not be recorded.
Information for registered participants: attendees, poster presenters and oral presentations is now available on the participants information page.
Unfortunately, because the sanitary conditions deteriorate in France, we decide that ESLW 2021 is going to be held 100% online. The registration is free!
Important date: The deadline for submitting articles is up to 27 August 2021.
The International Semiconductor Laser Conference 2021 will be held 10-14 October 2021 in Potsdam, Germany.

As our media partner, applied sciences will sponsor the best student papier award at the end of the conference.